Ways to lose or damage your retainer

Losing or damaging your retainer after getting your braces off can be frustrating and costly. Here's a top 5 list of common ways people tend to lose or damage their retainers:

  1. Leaving it Wrapped in a Napkin: Many people take out their retainer before eating and wrap it in a napkin to keep it safe. However, it's easy to forget it there and accidentally throw it away with the napkin.
  2. Forgetting it at Restaurants or Cafeterias: After a meal, it's common for people to take out their retainer to eat and then forget to put it back in. It can be left on the table, thrown away with the trash, or even dropped on the floor and forgotten.
  3. Leaving it in Clothing Pockets: Some people take out their retainer and place it in a pocket for safekeeping, only to forget about it when they put the clothing in the laundry. This can lead to the retainer getting lost or damaged in the washing machine.
  4. Pets Getting a Hold of It: Dogs, in particular, are known for chewing on retainers because they smell like their owners. Leaving a retainer within reach of pets can result in it being chewed up or completely destroyed.
  5. Misplacing it in School or Work Settings: Taking out a retainer during lunch or a break and setting it aside can be risky in busy environments like schools or workplaces. It can easily get misplaced or accidentally thrown away when clearing the area.

To avoid these common pitfalls, it's essential to develop a routine for storing your retainer safely whenever you're not wearing it. Using a retainer case, preferably a brightly colored or distinctive one, can help remind you to put your retainer back in its proper place after removal.

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